
The Controversy Surrounding Bhavishya Malika And The Mystery Of Its Origin

Bhavishya Malika, an ancient Hindu text, has intrigued people for centuries with its predictions about the future. Many are curious to know who authored this fascinating text, and it is believed that Bhavishya Malika is written by the revered saint Achyutananda Das along with his panchsakhas. At, we delve into the origins of Bhavishya Malika and explore the authenticity of its predictions. Join us as we unravel the mysteries and controversies surrounding this ancient text.

The Controversy Surrounding Bhavishya Malika and the Mystery of its Origin
The Controversy Surrounding Bhavishya Malika and the Mystery of its Origin


Key Takeaways
Bhavishya Malika is an ancient Hindu text containing predictions about the future.
The authenticity of the predictions in Bhavishya Malika is a subject of debate between believers and skeptics.
Social media platforms serve as battlegrounds for discussions and debates about Bhavishya Malika.
The accuracy of Bhavishya Malika predictions is analyzed, highlighting both events that have come true and inaccuracies according to skeptics.
The potential impact of the asteroid 2007 FT3 in 2024 and its consequences are explored.
Approaching Bhavishya Malika with a critical and open mind is advised to draw individual conclusions.

I. Bhavishya Malika: An Ancient Hindu Text with Controversial Predictions

The Historical Significance of Bhavishya Malika

Bhavishya Malika holds immense historical and cultural significance as an ancient Hindu text. Written by the renowned saint Achyutananda Das, along with his panchsakhas, this text has captivated people for centuries with its predictions about the future. Although its exact origin remains a mystery, Bhavishya Malika is believed to date back many centuries.

The content of Bhavishya Malika revolves around revelations and prophecies related to various aspects of life, including events that have come true in the past and those yet to unfold. This text provides insight into significant historical occurrences such as invasions, leadership changes, and natural calamities. While some people firmly believe in the accuracy of these predictions and consider it an authentic source of knowledge about the future, others remain skeptical and attribute any apparent coincidences to selective interpretation or clever manipulation.

Bhavishya Malika: An Ancient Hindu Text with Controversial Predictions
Bhavishya Malika: An Ancient Hindu Text with Controversial Predictions

II. The Mystery Surrounding the Origin of Bhavishya Malika

The Belief in Achyutananda Das as the Author

The origin of Bhavishya Malika, an ancient Hindu text filled with predictions about the future, has long been a subject of intrigue and speculation. According to popular belief, the renowned saint Achyutananda Das, along with his panchsakhas (five disciples), is credited as the author of this mystifying text. Achyutananda Das was a prominent figure in the 16th century, known for his deep spiritual knowledge and prophetic abilities. It is believed that he possessed profound insights into the future and documented his revelations in Bhavishya Malika.

The Enigma of Authorship

However, the exact authorship of Bhavishya Malika remains a matter of debate and contention among scholars. While many followers firmly believe in Achyutananda Das as the author, skeptics question the authenticity of these claims. Some argue that the text might have been the collective effort of multiple scribes over time, with added contributions from subsequent authors or editors. Due to the lack of comprehensive historical records and the passage of several centuries, the exact origins of Bhavishya Malika continue to be shrouded in mystery and conjecture.


The Mystery Surrounding the Origin of Bhavishya Malika
The Mystery Surrounding the Origin of Bhavishya Malika

III. The Believers vs Skeptics Debate

The authenticity of the predictions mentioned in Bhavishya Malika has been a subject of intense debate between believers and skeptics. Those who believe in the ancient text argue that the prophecies have come true, pointing to events such as the invasion of India in 1757 and the rise of Narendra Modi as India’s Prime Minister in 2014. They consider these fulfilled predictions as validation of the accuracy of Bhavishya Malika.

On the other hand, skeptics are highly doubtful and question the reliability of the predictions. They attribute the accuracy of the prophecies to pure coincidence, selective interpretation, or clever manipulation. Skeptics demand concrete evidence and additional substantiation that they believe is lacking in the text. This ongoing debate between believers and skeptics adds to the intrigue and controversy surrounding Bhavishya Malika.

IV. Online Debates on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Twitter and Quora have become virtual battlegrounds for those discussing Bhavishya Malika. The ancient text has garnered mixed reactions from people, with some believing in the authenticity of its prophecies, while others dismiss them as fabricated post-events. Enthusiasts and critics engage in heated debates, presenting their arguments and counterarguments, seeking to validate or debunk the predictions. The online discourse surrounding Bhavishya Malika serves as a platform where individuals share their perspectives, experiences, and evidences, contributing to the ongoing discourse about the text’s validity.

Online Debates on Social Media Platforms
Online Debates on Social Media Platforms

V. Examining the Authenticity of Bhavishya Malika Predictions

The authenticity of the predictions mentioned in Bhavishya Malika is a subject of much debate and discussion. Believers argue that the prophecies made in this ancient text have come true, providing evidence of its accuracy. On the other hand, skeptics question the validity of these predictions, suggesting that they may be mere coincidences or selective interpretations. This divergence in opinions has led to a divided stance on whether Bhavishya Malika is a genuine source of precise predictions or clever manipulation. To gain a comprehensive understanding, it is crucial to analyze the available evidence and weigh both perspectives.

Examining the Authenticity of Bhavishya Malika Predictions
Examining the Authenticity of Bhavishya Malika Predictions

VI. Exploring Inaccurate Predictions

While some events mentioned in Bhavishya Malika have come true, skeptics point out several inaccurate predictions that cast doubt on the authenticity of the text. For example, one prediction claimed a destructive earthquake would occur on October 8, 2005, but it actually took place in Jammu and Kashmir. Another inaccurate prophecy mentioned a foreign king’s victory in 1857, but it was the Britishers who emerged victorious in India. These discrepancies lack concrete evidence, further fueling skepticism surrounding Bhavishya Malika.

Exploring Inaccurate Predictions
Exploring Inaccurate Predictions

VII. Unveiling the Future: What Will Happen to Earth in 2024?

In the year 2024, there are predictions and speculations regarding potential events that could occur on Earth. One highly debated topic is the potential impact of the asteroid 2007 FT3. While NASA has identified the asteroid as a potential threat, the exact probability of collision remains uncertain. Currently, astronomers have not been able to track its specific orbital path with complete accuracy, which creates wide error bars in predicting its trajectory. However, based on existing information and various orbital models, there are potential scenarios where 2007 FT3 could come into close proximity with Earth in October 2024. Researchers and scientists continue to monitor the asteroid’s path to assess the likelihood of impact and mitigate any potential risks.

Unveiling the Future: What Will Happen to Earth in 2024?
Unveiling the Future: What Will Happen to Earth in 2024?

VIII. Assessing the Probability of Impact by 2007 FT3

One particular concern regarding potential catastrophes is the asteroid known as 2007 FT3. This asteroid has been a topic of interest among astronomers due to its possible impact on Earth. While it is fourth on NASA’s list of potential threats, with other asteroids ranking higher in terms of likelihood of impact, there is still a need to assess the probability accurately.

Assessing the Probability of Impact by 2007 FT3
Assessing the Probability of Impact by 2007 FT3

IX. The Potential Consequences of an Asteroid Collision

If the asteroid 2007 FT3 were to collide with Earth, it would have significant consequences. While scientists assure us that the likelihood of such a collision is low, it’s important to understand the potential risks involved. The impact would cause massive destruction in its immediate vicinity, leading to widespread devastation and loss of life. Depending on the size and speed of the asteroid, it could trigger seismic activities, tsunamis, and wildfires. Furthermore, the dust and debris thrown into the atmosphere could lead to global climate changes and disrupt ecosystems on a large scale.

The Potential Consequences of an Asteroid Collision
The Potential Consequences of an Asteroid Collision

X. Conclusion: Approaching Bhavishya Malika with a Critical Mind

After exploring the controversial predictions and mysteries surrounding Bhavishya Malika, it is important to approach this ancient Hindu text with a critical mind. While some events mentioned in the text have come true, there are also inaccuracies that skeptics point out. It is crucial to consider multiple perspectives and evaluate the credibility of the predictions based on concrete evidence. By maintaining an open mind and critically analyzing the claims made in Bhavishya Malika, individuals can draw their own conclusions regarding its authenticity and relevance.

Conclusion: Approaching Bhavishya Malika with a Critical Mind
Conclusion: Approaching Bhavishya Malika with a Critical Mind


The provided information in this article has been compiled from multiple sources, including and various newspapers. Although we have made diligent efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information, we cannot guarantee that every detail is completely accurate and verified. Therefore, we advise exercising caution when using this article as a reference for your research or reports.


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